National Public School
National Public School has an excellent exterior of the school architecture, complemented by a comprehensive infrastructure and facilities for learning. NPS is a chain of schools established by the National Public School Shiksha Prasarani Sabha under the able guidance of Late Shri Sher Singh Sharma. Due to his profound vision, NPS has a plethora of infrastructural facilities with a dynamic and dedicated staff.
We, at NPS, Endeavour to provide not just pedantic learning, but genuine and holistic education in a conducive and stress free environment. Since the focus of the school is on both personal and professional development of the students; NPS offers enrichment courses and activities which could include tours, sports courses on spiritual and aesthetic development and community service. In extra curricular activities, impetus would be provided to skill games, debates, dramatic, elocution etc. and NPS would offer all facilities for training and practice. Thus infrastructure, facilitators, innovative curriculum and spirit to excel distinguishes NPS from other schools making it indeed –
"A temple of learning."