National Public School
National Public School has always tried to provide the best possible infrastructure, the most innovative curriculum and a very dedicated team of teachers to help our students realize their potential. I have taken up this enormous responsibility of grooming and educating India’s youth by providing them ample opportunities and a conducive environment under one roof. It has been my philosophy to treat every child in a sensitive manner so as to nurture their potential to excel in various fields — both scholastic and co-scholastic. I intend to create an environment where students imbibe a zeal for acquiring knowledge through an analytical outlook.
Innumerable accolades at the State and National levels, gold medals & trophies with words of praise, appreciation and encouragement from giants in the academic world have only consolidated our concerted efforts and I intend to ensure that this momentum never slackens.
Above, all, I lay the greatest emphasis on a deep sense of morality, values, ethics and spirit of tolerance for all our students.
Hence I suggest,
"Education is the way to unlock the golden door of freedom.
Develop a passion for learning, if you do, you will never cease to grow."
Late Shri Sher Singh Sharma