National Public School
The general science lab of the school is specially designed for the students of class IV to VIII where they are given demonstration and on-hand experience. The laboratory is well lit and well ventilated.
N.P.S. Rajender Nagar has a well-organized and well equipped Biology Lab in the senior wing. Preserved specimen, charts and prepared slides depict how complex of life where evolved from simpler one. Lab also has an overhead projector.
The physics lab is fully equipped with apparatus to carry out experiments and activities prescribed by C.B.S.E. and investigatory projects related mechanics. Lights, magnetism, electricity, heat and optics.
The chemistry lab offers courses in chemistry upto class XII as per CBSE requirements and syllabus.
Sophisticates Mathematical instruments and more are used their basic, algebraic and geometrical concepts clear. They learn the concept also through paper-cutting and folding method as per the CBSE guidelines. This Maths Lab teaches the concepts in a play-way method.