National Public School
☞ How future ready is the school ?
- The school equips children with skills to handle the dynamic future by inculcating skills like critically thinking, analyzing all problematic situation and work effectively in groups.
☞ How skilled are the teachers ?
- Your child will be with teachers for almost more than a decade. And this responsibility can be efficiently handled by teachers who are qualified, experienced and emotionally stable. They are given trainings every year so as to keep their learning spirit awake always.
☞ Does learning happen outside the classroom ?
- No learning can be confined only to classroom teaching programs are definitely being designed to expose the child to real world and this ensuring their proper overall learning.
☞ Does learning happen outside the textbooks ?
- Making students learn from textbooks and answering questions from lesson cannot fulfill the needs and demands of the dynamic surroundings. Hence the students are given hands on activities, project works (Involving other sources of information) for their experiential learning.
☞ How safe are the learning spaces ?
- It is very important that child learn in an environment that is child friendly and not a humility one. The school supports child in an atmosphere of openness and empathy. It also employees to makes all safety checks before hand. The punishment theory of “rod” is non existence.
☞ How is technology used in the school ?
- The teacher uses the smart class as an aid in the regular class room teaching. The students have regular computer classes in lab which enables them to practically apply all what they learn through books.
☞ How are children assessed ?
- School has evolved its assessment system with a child centric result oriented approach which makes observation done on frequent intervals assessing the true understanding of students and giving feed back to the parents on regular bases.
☞ Different learning speeds ?
- In every classroom there are fast learners and comparatively slow learner the methodology adopted is kept in mind to cates the requirement of each child. Moreover, extra classes extra time in being given to the students who need help.
☞ Are involvements and achievements outside academics encouraged and supported ?
- Yes, definitely school supports all such activities. And for the students who miss their classes due to this are given all needed attention in extra line provide to catch up the part leftover. School supports the children who are gifted in sports in all way possible.
☞ What is the value system of the school ?
- Students are given values to unite good character in their classes. They are given moral guidance in addition to the education child will live in a world that is very unsure; uncertain and the best we can do is to make sure that they are ready to take on whatever comes their way.